Pybliographer 1.3 branch

Below are the dependencies between the branches and their requirements.

Getting started


pyblio-core behaves as a standard python library, but uses setuptools for its installation. This makes it possible to use the library in so-called develop mode, where the installed version points to the version in your working repository, making it unnecessary to perform an installation every time you modify the code. Highly recommended :-)

To use develop mode, run:

  python develop

Once you have downloaded the code, you'll find documentation in the doc/ directory. The doc/examples/ is a good place to start looking at the code.

The reference manual is generated from the source code thanks to epydoc.

pyblio (user interface)

Once you have the code, run:

  automake -a

...and then you are in the same situation as with a released archive. You need to run:

  configure --prefix=...

It is possible to develop from within the source directory without installing pyblio after each modification. The only exception so far is for the Glade files (in the glade/ directory) which are read from their installation directory. It is therefore advised to to at least one complete installation of your working copy.

Once it is done, you can start pyblio from the top level directory by running:


An incomplete API documentation can be extracted from the source code. Go to the doc/ directory and run:

  make doc

Coding conventions

We're moving the code slowly to PEP8. The module names are still using mixed cases though.

1.3_Branch (last edited 2010-11-19 23:37:52 by ZoltanKota)